What to Expect on Sunday

When you arrive at St. Paul's, you will be warmly welcomed by one of our members. You will be offered a bulletin that will help to guide you through the service. We are happy to assist you with seating if you need.


The service begins with the Processional, during which the clergy, choir, and lay servers enter and take their places at the front.


At an early point in the service, children are dismissed to their Sunday School classes, and will rejoin their parents in time for the Eucharist.

Service Books

At the 10:00 service, the Book of Alternative Services (BAS) and the Book of Common Praise (CP) guide us through the service.

In the bulletin, page numbers for the BAS are indicated by "page  XX" and page numbers for the CP are indicated by "Hymn XX".


When it comes time for the Eucharist, attendants will signal guests and members row by row when they may go up to the front to receive the Eucharist or a blessing.

In the serving of the Eucharist, the communion ministers will offer the bread and the wine, and you are welcome to take one or the other or both.

After receiving the bread or wine, it is customary to respond by saying, "Amen," or by simply nodding your head.

After having received communion, you may return to your seat.


After announcements, a hymn is sung, the blessing is given by the priest, the deacon offers a dismissal. At this point, the servers, the choir and the clergy recess. The service is now over.


After the service each Sunday, all are welcome to join us in the Hall for coffee, a cookie and a time of fellowship.